It all started on an autumn day in 1998. Two PhD students from Stanford University, named Larry Page and Sergey Brin, were thinking about how they could make the Internet a better place. At that time, finding information on the Internet was like finding a needle in a haystack. Search engines at that time could not provide accurate results to users and all complained of incorrect and irrelevant information. Larry and Sergey realized that they have to make a fundamental change in this field.
They created an algorithm called “PageRank” that ranked search results based on the number and quality of links pointing to each page. This revolutionary idea made the search results more accurate and provide more useful and relevant information to users. Since then, Google has continuously improved and developed its algorithms to provide the best and most relevant results to users.
What are Google’s algorithms?
Google algorithms are a series database shop of rules and guidelines that Google uses to rank websites in search results. Google’s complex system collects information from pages and tries to understand what searchers are looking for in order to rank pages based on relevance and quality.
Google algorithms follow the same definition and basic rules that we said for algorithms. Imagine the last time you searched something on Google, for example, “What is a web crawler?” or “Tehran’s different cafes”. The search engine will show you millions of results.
Why are Google algorithms important?
Algorithms are the heart of Google search. If Google can rank pages and find out what exactly users are looking for, it’s all because of the same algorithms. These are the algorithms that help Google show you the best and most relevant results. Without these algorithms, searching in Google would be like a library without shelves, where finding anything would be the elephant’s job.
But how does it decide which results to show you and in what order? It does this with an algorithm.
Google has a very complex algorithm that provides search results, and this algorithm changes quite a lot. Although the Google company does not make this algorithm public, but some of the factors that we know affect the .
Appearance of a page in the search results are:
- The appearance of the keyword in the page title, header tags and meta description
- The number of natural and organic links pointing to the page
- Website performance on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets
Of course, these are just some of the features that Google’s algorithm checks when determining how to display and rank pages. There are probably dozens or even hundreds of other factors.
How does the search work?
Searching in Google has three main steps:
- Crawling: At this stage, Google’s algorithm tells web crawlers to go and find new URLs and check their content. A crawler is a program that checks and indexes content automatically.
- Indexing: The content of URLs is indexed using tags and metadata that help the search engine to categorize the content.
- Searching and Ranking: When the user enters a question, the search engine shows and ranks the content based on relevance and quality.
How does the Google algorithm work?
Google’s algorithm categorizes information based on several factors. Some of the main ranking factors include:
- Meaning: uses linguistic phone number you can call to listen to music models to analyze the words in the question and match them with useful content. Language models correct spelling mistakes and use synonyms to give a relevant answer even if the content does not contain the exact same words. The system also tries to understand the type of information. For example, searching for a popular keyword will display more up-to-date information and news. It can also detect if the questions have a local intent. For example, searching for “restaurant” shows nearby restaurants.
- Relevance: The algorithm uses collected and anonymous interaction data to evaluate the relevance of the content. The simplest signal for this is matching the keywords in the content with the keywords in the question. If the page contains an exact match, this sends a strong signal to the algorithm for communication.
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- Quality: Google’s algorithm adb directory looks for signs of expertise, credibility and trustworthiness. One of the signs of reliability is backlinks from other reputable sites. The more links a page gets from trusted sites, the more Google trusts it. Another indication is the Usually, longer content is known as more comprehensive and complete content. Google constantly measures and evaluates the quality of its systems, because web information is constantly changing and updating.
- Usability: The algorithm gives priority to sites that are more user-friendly. Examples include mobile usability and page loading speed. If the page uses HTTPS, this is a positive signal for the algorithm. Preventing annoying ads also helps the page to function better.
Length of the content;
- Context: The algorithm looks at information such as location, search history, and search settings to return content based on a specific user profile. Search also personalizes results based on previous activity in your Google account. For example, searching for may affect the results of subsequent searches.