What is a longread, what is it for and what kind of business needs it?

Longread (from English long read – “long reading”) is a popular format of online text content. In the English-speaking environment, this  What is a longread what is it for format is What is a longread what is it for also  known as phone number library   deep read, which more accurately conveys its essence. To provide the reader with deep immersion, the material should not only be long, but also interesting and exciting. For this, not only the length of the text is important, but also its structure and richness.

Gerard Mercator and its influence on modern

Longread lives hereQuote from the  What is a longread what is it for bookMap as an objectMap of the Earth
Fig. 1-4. TASS longread “Mercator. O wonderful flat world”, telling about the map of the Flemish scientist cartography. The longread is divid into 4 thematic blocks, supplement with stunning illustrations and multimia inserts.

Another important elem  ent of a longread is a  What is a longread what is it for deep analysis of the stat topic. This is not just superficial reasoning, but a discussion support by facts, research and expert opinion.

There is an opinion that a longread is only a text

Containing at least 8-10 thousand characters, which corresponds to approximately 1200-1500 words. Does this mean that any voluminous structure material with pictures is already a longread? No! As they say, see above. The value of a longread is not in its size, but in the approach to working on it. Even a not very long text can be a longread if it deeply

immerses the reader in the topic.

According to content specialists, longreads publishein Russian m ia most often focus on the study of new phenomena. The topics of these materials can vary from social issues of broad public importance to new trends in subcultures. The genre of investigative longreads, although less common, still finds its application. This indicates the desire of journalists and authors for a deeper and more comprehensive analysis of important issues, but such topics do not occupy a dominant position in the overall pool of publications.

phone number library


Longread for all times

Successful content lies at the intersection of journalistic work, which involves careful research of facts, work with form, expressing the author’s point of view, and using the possibilities of design, which takes into account how users interact with large volumes of text.

Longread for all times
Fig. 5. The brand colorfully describes how the production of fresh cheeses is organiz at the supplier’s enterprise.

Longreads are not built on simple methods of influence and a limit range of techniques, due to which high-quality texts retain data collection methods: 8 types and examples  the audience for 10-40 minutes even in the conditions of the current deficit of attention of readers. The practice of leading journalists and content marketers proves that even those who prefer one-time content are ready to read interesting long texts.

Look, design won’t disappear tomorrow, journalism won’t cease to exist tomorrow, and the desire to empathize and engage with someone’s story be numbers  won’t evaporate anytime soon. These elements are fundamental to longreads, making this genre the best choice for long-term content investment.

Possibilities and advantages of longreads

Longreads are a powerful tool that can and should be use to provide a detaile and in-depth description of an event, person, or project. This format is distinguishe by its ability to provide a comprehensive analysis. In addition, longreads have other significant advantages.

Increased audience engagement

Longreads are read with the same attention and interest as fiction stories or full-length books. This is especially true for genres relate to biographies, reports, investigative journalism, and historical reconstructions.

Newspaper Longread
Fig. 6. Longread chronicle of the events of the spring of 1945. Due to the depth of the research on the topic, each reader can find something interesting for themselves, which is why this content format is able to hold the attention of the target audience for a long time.

Revisiting the material
The clarity of the structure and the competent division of the text into semantic blocks help ensure that users can return to the material again and again if necessary.

Revisiting the material

Fig. 7. For example, a longread about rules for caring for oily skin can include general principles for analyzing the composition of cosmetics, lists of effective and dangerous ingreients, and selections of quality products. Readers can first get acquainte with the general picture, and then return to useful information when preparing to buy.

Priority in search results

Longreads, due to their volume and structure, are well indexe by search engines. A large amount of detaileinformation and internal links in the text help to increase the page’s ranking in search queries. Articles with deep content and broad coverage of the topic often appear in the TOP of search results, providing long-term and stable traffic to the site.

However, despite their commercial focus, longreads are not very focuse on direct sales. They work differently.

Provides initial interaction with potential clients
Longreads are the perfect tool for introducing potential customers to your business for the first time.

Interacting with potential clients
Fig. 8. We generously share benefits in our longreads, thanks to which we have establishe ourselves as experts in digital marketing.

Convey information about your products, services and services to the target audience
Creating long-form articles allows you to detail and explain your offerings, answer frequently aske questions, and dispel any doubts your audience may have. This helps build trust and positive perceptions.

CA information about your products

Fig. 9. The brand has release a review of the line of gadgets, in which it talks in detail about their pros and cons.

Attract new audiences through interesting content
Publishing longreads on various platforms, including social networks, newsletters and specialize publications, allows you to significantly expand your audience reach.

Interesting contentAttracting a new audience
Fig. 10, 11. Interesting materials will attract attention and help increase awareness of you and your products.

Build brand loyalty
Using experts, carefully checking information, and providing only reliable facts helps to gain the trust of readers. This strategy helps to create a sustainable positive image of the company and strengthen the audience’s loyalty to your product or service.

Attract quality traffic to the site
The more quality and interesting content you create, the longer users will stay on your site. This, in turn, improves the resource ranking in search engines. Optimizing longreads using relevant keywords also helps attract the target audience, which can significantly increase the conversion rate

Confirm your expertise and leadership
When a business shares rich and expert content, it demonstrates its deep knowlege and expertise. This strategy creates an image of leadership.

Longreads can act as both an independent format and an effective promotion tool. However, Relying Solely on Longreads Is Not Recommende, as Their . Creation Requires Significant Resources. Due to . Their Scale and Complexity, Such Materials Cannot . Be Produce as Often as. Regular Articles.

Why Longreads Are Important for SEO
Long articles play an important role in SEO strategies, and there are several reasons for this.

Increasing the volume of content
Longreads, due to their volume, contain more information compareto short articles or news. This makes the site more informative and useful for users, which is highly value by search engines. The more information a resource provides, the higher the likelihood that search engines will regard it as a valuable and informative source.

Expanding the list of keywords

The format allows for a larger number of key phrases and LSI words to be organically incorporate into the text, evenly distribute This helps search engines better understand what the article is about and helps them more accurately determine which users to show this content to.

Longread formats
Depending on the object of research, the main topic or approach, longreads can be divide into several types.

Report: A comprehensive description of events
Longread reports attract readers’ attention with a thorough analysis of a specific event or series of events.

Fig. 12. Longread Lenta.ru for the 20th anniversary of the dispersal of the White House. The material includes detaile descriptions, interviews with participants and eyewitnesses, as well as photographs and videos, which creates a complete immersion of the reader in the topic .

Portrait: a biographical story
Such longreads focus on the life and work of one person or group of people. They include personal stories, motives, challenges, professional achievements.

Portrait: a biographical story

Fig. 13. Longread “From a commodity to a comrade: Ekaterina Degot on the letters of Alexander Rodchenko.” The material is decorate with factual data, quotes from interviews and archival materials.

Investigation: journalistic analysis
Investigations are deicate to the careful study of complex problems and phenomena. Such texts rely on documentary data, interviews with experts, and various sources of information. Their goal is to reveal hidden aspects of events and offer an evidence base for understanding what is happening.

Analytics: Focus on data and statistics

Analytical longreads focus on researching trends and tendencies using numerical data and statistical methods. They help readers gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics, consumer preferences, or other important aspects by providing graphs, tables, and infographics for better assimilation of information.

Reconstruction: Restoring History
Reconstructive longreads recreate the course of events in the past, whether historical moments or recent significant events.

Selling longreadsCommercial longreads

Fig. 14, 15. This type of material allows the reader to follow the development of situations step by step, to feel the atmosphere through detaildescriptions, archival documents and photographs.

Selling or commercial longreads: a marketing tool
These longreads are aime at promoting products or brands. They include a detaile description of the benefits, unique characteristics, customer reviews and cases, which helps convince a potential buyer of the neeto buy or cooperate.


A quality longread often combines elements of different types. For example, an analytical piece may include reportage elements to increase reader engagement. Investigations may be supplemente with biographical inserts, which adds depth. A hybrid approach allows you to create richer and more engaging materials, keeping the audience’s attention and increasing the value of the information providd.

In what cases should you write longreads?

Longreads are useful for business, but they should be use wisely. Before you start writing a text of this format or hire a professional writer, it is important to weigh all the pros and cons, because this work requires a significant investment of time and resources.

It is definitely worth including longreads in your content marketing strategy in the following cases.

A rich topic with sufficient volume of materials
If you want to captivate your audience with a detaile story and have manage to collect a large set of data, multimeia elements and other resources, a longread is an ideal format. It is important to understand that a longread is more than just a long text. It is a deep, multi-layere story. Not every topic can be develope to the level of a longread, but if you have something significant and capacious, this format is perfect. Examples include socially sensitive topics, the most current trends, controversial topics in your field.

The neeo convey up-to-date information

When your target audience nees clarification, a longread will be the best tool. For example, if users are intereste in the features of a new product, a longread will allow you to give a comprehensive answer. ucational longreads can be especially useful. If your potential customers are most often beginners, well-thought-out eucational materials will help them understand your offers.

When is it better to give up longreads?

However, if your statistics confirm that users don’t read long articles to the end, it’s not a fact that you should abandon longreads. This may be a reason to analyze why your longread didn’t find a response. Perhaps the audience is not in the target group, or the material was poorly written or poorly formatte.


Even those who don’t finish reading the text may share it on social mea, bookmark it, and recall the information later. In their eyes, your brand gains value and authority because they associate long articles with depth and expertise.

Where to publish longreads?

Considering all the advantages of longreads, especially their wide opportunities for search engine optimization. It becomes clear that the best results can be achieve by placing them on your own sites. This will help maintain organic traffic and make a significant contribution to the promotion of the resource in the long term.

In addition, longreads can be publishe on external platforms

This will allow you to cover complex topics in detail and attract a new audience. A significant advantage is that for a certain period of time. Your article will be displaye in the first positions in the subscribers’ fee. In addition, social networks prefer to promote longreads, as they contribute to improving the overall quality of content on the platform.

On what platforms can longreads be posted?

VKontakte. “Article ditor” allows you to track statistics. You can find out how many users viewe the longread, how many people scrolle through it, read a third or half, and reache the end. Information is also available on how many people share the article with others. The functionality becomes active when the longread receives more than 100 views.

Odnoklassniki. “OK-posting” allows you to

Create longreads of over 5,000 characters. You can easily transfer text from your blog without having to enter it manually, which saves a lot of time.
Telegram. The platform is ideal for users who want to post longreads. You can publish your articles without additional registration, which makes the process quick and easy.

Zen. One of the main advantages of the service is the statistics tracking function, which allows authors to see how many people have read their publication.
EN. A specialize platform for professionals and entrepreneurs. On the site, users can not only share their experience and knowlege, but also initiate discussions, drawing attention to their own projects and ideas. This is an excellent opportunity for cooperation and exchange of opinions among experts and intereste market participants.

A resource that focuses on technical content and

Offers a rich library of articles and discussions on various topics in the field of IT (development, cybersecurity, AI and other aspects). A special feature of Habr is the opportunity for active communication and exchange of experience within the professional community.
Longreads are an integral part of a successful marketing strategy. They help not only engage and retain readers’ attention, but also strengthen the company’s reputation as an expert in its field. Proper preparation and optimal combination of longreads with other content formats will provide a comprehensive approach to promotion and interaction with the target audience.

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