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While smartphones and tablets have revolutionized education, their use in distance learning is not without its challenges. From technological limitations to social and economic disparities, the digital divide can hinder students’ access to quality education.

Technological Hurdles

Connectivity Issues: Poor internet connectivity can disrupt online classes, leading to frustration and missed learning opportunities.

Device Limitations

Older or less powerful devices may struggle to handle demanding educational applications.
Technical Difficulties: Students may encounter technical problems such as software glitches or hardware malfunctions.

Social and Economic Disparities

Digital Divide: Students from low-income families may not have access to smartphones Email List or computers, limiting their ability to participate in distance learning.

Digital Literacy: Lack of digital literacy skills

Can make it difficult for students to navigate online platforms and use educational Cracking the Code: Unveiling International Phone Numbers tools effectively.
Social Isolation: Distance learning can lead to social isolation, as students may miss out on face-to-face interactions with peers and teachers.

Pedagogical Challenges

Engagement: Keeping students engaged in online learning can be challenging, especially when they lack the same level of social interaction as in a traditional classroom.

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