The underlying logic of keyword

Traffic word ranking analysis First of all, ranking is divided into the difference between natural ranking and advertising ranking. the difference The underlying  between natural ranking position and advertising position. (absolute position) of the ASIN’s advertising space under this keyword. Natural ranking position 17 means that this product appeared in the 17th position of this keyword at 11:37 today.

Practical operation of seller wizard tool

Placements among the 75 products on the page. Advertising position 49, you must know that the placement of advertisements on each search results page is not as many as the natural display, so the actual advertising position is the fourth among the 70 search results on the second page. 5. Keyword ranking monitoring After we click on the ranking, we can further see the fluctuations in the ranking of the product for this keyword: 2: What are the key analysis data indicators? Traffic word type analysis You can see that there are multiple traffic  Phone Number List word types here: Everyone knows that natural search words and SP advertising words are the traffic of natural search words and the traffic of advertising words.

Light blue represents the data captured

Phone Number List

Next let’s take a look at.  Some other good keywords: . AC recommended words: When buyers search for this term. Amazon’s Choice will appear in the upper. Left corner of the product’s main image. The Amazon system will mark Amazon’s Choice on high-quality, good-priced products under a certain Bank Email List  keyword based on the performance of the listing. ER recommended words: When buyers search for this word, the product appears in Editorial recommendations.