Who will be interested in the market review?

“The general idea of ​​our market review is to encourage Ukrainian business to expand beyond Ukraine. Webpromo, as active participants in IAB Ukraine, also stimulates agencies. Despite the fact that the Ukrainian market is highly competitive and low-margin. We have learned to work and get the most out of advertising channels and contracts. The level of professionalism of our teams, the ability to manage advertising, and the strategic vision of project development have reached world-class standards.

Thanks to Ukraine's integration into the EU

Therefor, More opportunities are opening up for Ukrainian specialists to realize their potential. Webpromo has 2 active markets and one test market – the UAE. In the process of developing the market, we are faced with a lack of experience Buy Bulk SMS Service in how to choose. The right vector for promoting an agency or attracting clients. Therefore, we came to the conclusion that the more expertise there is in Ukraine, the faster the agencies will move to the west. My team’s goal is to accelerate this path for all market participants who truly strive and take steps to export.

I dreamed of an office in the UAE

This is the country that has made the most progress in the shortest period of time. The United Emirates has uniquely connected the lives of 90% of expats and 10% of its own population. Created the prerequisites and real conditions for the life of different religions, languages ​​and nationalities within one country with the focus of development Bank Email List in the UAE.  It is a country with a high standard of living for the middle class. The UAE is an English-speaking country where you will never belong, but you will never feel like a stranger. In my opinion, Ukrainian goods are more than competitive here and there are niches where business from Ukraine can freely develop.