Email Drip Marketing Campaign work?

Persuading your audience to take action is difficult. Often, prospects aren’t ready to buy, and when they are, keeping them engaged is a challenge. Thankfully, email makes it possible to gain influence with your desired audience over time. And with drip marketing, emails don’t need to exist on a single island. A marketer’s job is to find and understand high-quality leads, then help convert them into sales. Drip marketing is a solution to that problem because it focuses on “dripping” emails into the inbox over time. Email is still an extremely popular form of messaging. In fact, its usage has increased year over year, accounting for 80% of all messages sent. Table of Contents What is drip marketing?

Drip marketing is a strategy

That uses a series of automated, targeted emails to nurture leads . Pre-written or dynamic content, based on company maturity using drip marketing. The C Level Executive List way these messages are delivered or “dribbled” is often tailored to the behavior or status of the target recipient. Drip marketing campaigns aim to influence a target market over time, delivering a series of messages along a predetermined path. Successful drip marketing requires personalization. Once you get leads, you can figure out how to deliver relevant content over time, which helps you chart and respond to different stages of the customer journey. When you tailor your messaging based on customer behavior , you can more easily segment your audience. For example, your ongoing emails can take advantage of when leads leave your website.

When someone leaves

A product page without making a purchase, filling out a form, or watching a video, you can message them about product updates, offers, or promotions related to Bank Email List the specific item or website. that potential customers are interested in. Other examples include when: Marketers promoting software platforms use a series of emails to educate new users about the platform’s key features, perhaps offering them free video tutorials. A marketer focused on online shopping will offer personalized product recommendations based on the prospect’s browsing and purchasing history. Marketers promoting new apps will attract customers with free trials to demonstrate how the app works.