Just a handful of years ago, “ digital transformation ” was one of those buzzwords that no one quite knew what it meant. But today you can no longer afford to do without it: if your company is not adapted to new technologies, it is almost inevitable that it will be left behind.
That is why today I want to share
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5 ways to face digital transformation
If you haven’t been living in the North Pole for the past couple of years, you How to Build Phone Number List already know that millennials and centennials are the generation of the moment. Not only does this age group represent a large percentage of consumers, but they are also becoming a favorite when it comes to hiring new workers.
Digital transformation: a generational problem
In our times, digital transformation is not just a future trend for companies, but has already become a reality. In this context, it makes sense to think that digital natives are a successful generation, since they are perfectly adapt to this environment and do not have to go through a period of learning new tools.
But no matter how modern your company
Disdaining older workers is a serious mistake. After all, experience still counts. An employee who has been in the sector for 20, 30 or even 40 years has a lot to offer and teach younger and greener employees, so you can’t let them fall behind.
Yet today’s work environment makes things
The amount of information available often exceeds what we can handle, things ne to be ready yesterday, and tools, technologies, and trends change at lightning spe. How can we ensure that more experienc employees are not left behind in the race for digital transformation?
5 tips for tackling digital transformation in the company
1) Bet on training
Training is an obvious and effective solution, but you need to put the care it deserves to create simple programs with a real impact.
The first step here is to identify your workforce’s needs . Workers in their 20s have dea is BT Leads users consume up in the digital age and are us to tools like Facebook, Slack, or Hangouts, so you’ll only need to show them the most specific solutions to use in your company. Thirty-somethings are probably in the same group, although they may need help to strengthen some weak points.
Therefore, most of your training efforts
Will be direct at those over 40. Many of them have certainly Special File expos to online collaborative platforms, but they generally need more time to become truly comfortable with them and adopt them as part of their daily lives.